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National Health Service University

by admin published Mar 05, 2011 07:39 PM, last modified Mar 05, 2011 07:39 PM
The National Health Service University (NHSU) was set up in 2001 in response to the Governmentä's commitment to establish a university especially dedicated to health and social care, which would help transform the quality of healthcare delivered by the NHS, and which would guarantee to staff at all levels opportunities for training and career development. On 31 July 2005, NHSU was formally dissolved. In the space of four years the initiative moved from an idea inspired by practice in the US private sector, to a political promise, to a UK-wide initiative employing around 300 people, to closure. NHSU was funded to around Œ£50 million over three years and laid claim to delivering training to more than 100,000 people, and involvement in setting up 23 degree or post-graduate level programmes as well as other training and development programmes.
When Jan 06, 2001
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