New premises needed to store the archive
The archive has been stored in surplus space in an Essex school since 2010, but it is now needed and the archive must move. If you know of any opportunity to store a room's worth of paperwork, resources and equipment, please get in touch with me Richard Millwood ASAP!
Computers in the Curriculum Project - 30 years on
This project was active ten years before microcomputers became common in schools in the early eighties, but hit its peak of activity around 1984, when this newsletter was published
A Celebration of the UK's Computing Heritage
Google invited a wide range of participants to this event in London. The discussion about the first connection of the internet between the US and UK was followed by interesting films about early computers in the UK.
The Legacy of the BBC Microcomputer: effecting change in the UK’s cultures of computing
The impact on the UK of the BBC's Microcomputer from 1982 is explained in this report made 30 years after its introduction.
Cataloguing the videodiscs
An in important step taken to catalogue one of the archive's most significant collections
Domesday Reloaded
From October 2010 to May 2011 The National Archive of Educational Computing loaned a BBC Domesday set to the BBC to help develop this project
CAL 2011 conference special feature
The National Archive of Educational Computing presented a stand at this international conference and organised a workshop.
A Short History Offline
Becta published an article on the history of educational computing in the UK written by Richard Millwood
BBC's Tomorrow's World presents Nellie - a computer set to revolutionise the classroom
The BBC have added selected Tomorrow's World features to their internet archive.
The BBC Domesday Book Project and its Legacy
A special seminar convened by the British Computer Society's Computer Conservation Society (CCS)
Voices Project book published
This book published by the Information Technology in Teacher Education (ITTE) association documents some of the early history of computers in schools.