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Inner London schools to become specialist schools
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Tony Blair's London Schools speech on 13th November 2003 outlined plans for each school in each of 5 London boroughs (Lambeth, Southwark, Haringey, Hackney and Islington). He stated that all secondary schools will become a specialist school over the next 3 years, there will be 11 academies, a further 3 new schools, every secondary school will be offering extending school provision and more choice post-16. He also outlined plans for the rebuilding or significant refurbishment of every secondary school in the 5 boroughs
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
INSET grants
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
DES Circular 6/86 training grants for In-service training announced, to replace old pooling system
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
Interactive Videodiscs
by admin published Apr 19, 2013 last modified May 23, 2013 06:06 PM
The videodisc medium permitted early multimedia to be exploited for learning, before computers could effectively play video, between 1984 and 1994. Discs were typically found in videodisc players under the control of interactive video programs on connected computers, but occasionally stood alone with barcode or remote control.
Located in Artefacts / Software
by admin published Jan 09, 2013 last modified Jan 10, 2013 06:30 PM
Published in 1982 by Longman Group, this set of programs for learning mathematics represent some of the earliest developed in the UK for microcomputers.
Located in Artefacts / Software / Micros in the Mathematics Classroom
by admin published Jan 10, 2013 last modified Jan 10, 2013 06:35 PM
This collection of mathematics software was published by the SMILE (Secondary Mathematics Individualised Learning Experiment) - a radical system for teaching mixed-ability classes which used a resource bank created collaboratively by teachers
Located in Artefacts / Software / Micro Smile
IT across civil service
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Hansard 29.2.1996 Ministerial question leads to establishment of ministerial group drawn from across govt departments to ensure that developments in IT are exploited to the full in the national interest
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
IT in Schools Strategy
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
DES announces IT in Schools Strategy (1987-1993) £90M. Circular 228/87 New Technology for Better Schools, included ESG funding of £10.5m to appoint 650 Advisory Teachers in IT drawn from across a range of curriculum subjects. These new posts started in September 1988. MESU (Microelectronics Support Unit) provided with additional funding 1988/89 to provide induction training for advisory teachers (and librarians)
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
ITT course and CATE
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
DES approves (Circular 3/84) course for Initial Teacher Training followed by creation of Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
Kenneth Baker speech
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
Lord Baker of Dorking CH gave keynote speech at National Curriculum - 20th years on Conference at Institute of Education London on 4th June 2008. He provided an overview of the prevailing government attitude towards education in 1988, why they felt NC was necessary and the negotiations at the time with teachers unions to avoid a national strike. Lord (Kenneth) Baker was the minister (Dept of Industry) who announced half price computer for each Secondary School back in 1981 and is also remembered for introducing whole school INSET days (still sometimes referred to as Baker days)
Located in Timeline / First timeline events
Labour government increase priority for educational ICT
by admin published Mar 05, 2011
New Labour Government increases priority level for educational ICT. An example of this is the Lecture by the Rt Hon Tony Blair, Leader of the Labour Party to the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham on 14th April 1997. The Lecture 21 steps to 21st Century Education outlined the need to raise standards, rather than tinkering with structures, and to build on what is good and tackle what is wrong - by establishing a new culture of learning
Located in Timeline / First timeline events