Thomas Hallam
A short description of my interests in programming.
I'm interested in Maths, Programming and Art. I'm doing Maths, Further Maths, French, Philosophy and Physics at school. I've done prgramming in Visual Basic for about four years and just QBasic before that. I have a basic ability in HTML but nothing beyond that. I enjoy programming because I like to problem solve, put maths into my programs and then use the final product as a useful piece of software. I enjoy the final product and the debugging stage the most as it creates a sense of accomplishment after fine tuning a small section of code. I also enjoy art, again because it creates a sense of accomplishment when one was drawn or painted something which looks like it should. I also enjoy the creative side of it and would be very interseted and willing to use my artistic skills in programming to create something visually and mentally stimulating. I think I gain most from this expereience from by working in a team to produce a final iuseful and interesting product, by learning more about HTML, JavaScript etc. and by learning more about how to combine graphics and programming.