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Graham Hart MA. MSc.

by Hal MacLean last modified Monday Mar 13, 2006 14:44
I was originally trained as a Marine Engineer and after a brief time at sea on Tankers entered industry. I spent about 20 years as a component supplier to the Motor Industry in increasingly senior positions and in 1990 joined APU as a senior lecturer to teach Management to builders. I gained an M.Sc  in Management Development and later moved to what is now the Ashcroft International Business School. I first came into contact with Ultralab, when I was tasked with developing a web site for the then Anglia Business School. About that time I became involved with on-line learning in the Business School. I designed the course outline for a fully online Masters Course in Call Centre Management. I managed the course outline giving pedagogical guidance to the staff writing the modules. I manged the complet validation process for the programme and successfully launched the programme.

While developing the Masters Course  I studied for and gained an MA in Design and Management of Academic Courses for the Internet, with the majority of the taught modules being studied on-line. My Dissertation was supervised by Richard Millwood.

Subsequently I joined Ultralab on a 50%  basis and post formal-retirement now work 2 days per week in Ultralab.   My interest is very much centred on the use of the new technologies and how they may be used to improve the student experience. I contributed a chapter on "External quality assurance initiatives: Impact on ICT delivered programmes" in "Quality Issues in ICT-based Higher Education"  edited by Stephen Fallows and Rakesh Bhanot, RoutledgeFalmer 2005 ISBN 0-415-33521-3, in the SEEDA series. My latest paper on "Some insights into choosing a platform for a Virtual Learning Environment" my be found at

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