George Variopoulos's Profile
George Variopoulos's Profile DescriptionGeorge has now left Ultralab and is living in his homeland Greece. When he worked for Ultralab, as the lab Technician, he said this:
Working with and destroying computers since my very early ages I now try to rectify supporting Ultralab. After a big cultural platform shock (since I am a PC person)
I was very quickly persuaded that Macs have less faillures and quite
unexpectedly no blue screen errors, but little bombs instead. In order to compensate the idle time of the never-breaking
and think different Mac's maintanance I do some development work like: The most recent project that I was envolved in was G-force. I also took part in the design of the technical support infrastructure of the Not School project.
Lately I compressed and streamed some movies for the Netd@ys 2000. Since the beggining of this year Greta and I formed the Lab.TV team. Nobody says building websites is a breeze..., well how about torn(ado)?!? |