Cool links
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Some cool links
IETF - The Internet Engineering Task Force - The IETF is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers
concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet
- Learn TCPIP.comAn excellent Network Technologies Educational Series which includes the The LearntoSubnet™.com Lecture Series , How the OSI Model Works™.com, How TCP/IP (Networking) Works™.com Lecture Series, # How The Internet Runs™.com,How DNS Works™.com
- Wireless Resource CentreThe definitive internet guide to wireless technologies. A good site to visit if you are into wireless technologies GSM, UMTS, CDMA, IEEE 802.11x, 3G, etc.
- How stuff works!A good website with entry levels tutorials on pretty much anything you might want to know. A good place to get started.
Johns Hopkins University Enterprise Services Glossary
A brilliant website for looking up technical terms
- 15-30 Module Curriculum This Anglia Ruskin University web site contains all the essential information to plan and write modules and pathways in 15-30 format. The 15-30 format is the current phrase used to describe the Senate decision of 2004 to streamline the entire curriculum and to use multiples of 15 credits rather than multiples of ten credits. This is extensively discussed in the Senate paper on the website.
Internet Technical Resources All you ever wanted to know about the Internet,
but were afraid to ask :-)
- w3schools Very
fast-start tutorials on various mark-ups, scripting languages, etc (A must
visit link)
- DevX A good web site for application development - lots of example for different technologies like Java, Wireless Networking, etc.
- All you ever wanted to know about PODCASTING This page provides links to a number of resources looking at the phenomenon known as podcasting (essentially audio blogs) and its application in education.
- SourceForge
Plenty of source code and libraries for just about anything. A developer's
jackpot :-)
- Dictionary of Data
Structures and Algorithms (Where have you been all my life?!) This is
a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical
problems, and related definitions
- Webopedia The
only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet
technology definitions. (Brilliant!)
- The Network Simulator
The Network Simulator - ns-2 Ns is a discrete event simulator targeted
at networking research. Ns provides substantial support for simulation of
TCP, routing, and multicast protocols over wired and wireless ( local and
satellite) networks.
- QualNet network
simulation software QualNet raises the bar in terms of scalability, accuracy,
and speed among network simulators. That means that you can model large computer
networks with QualNet, getting greater insight into how the network behaves
as it scales from 10 to 10,000 devices. QualNet doesn't skimp on accuracy
either, to achieve scalability. QualNet simulation results consistently match
those of a real live network. Finally, speed is QualNet's greatest asset.
Qualnet can simulate networks of 250+ nodes in real-time with stunning accuracy.
- Massachusette
Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare
MIT's OpenCourseWare:
This is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT's mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century.
- Is a publication of MIT course materials
- Does not require any registration
- Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity
Guide to the Harvard System of Referencing
A brilliant Data Mining Tutorial by Dr Kurt Thearling
RDF - Resource Description Framework. RDF is a general-purpose language for representing information in the Web.
W3C - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
OWL Web Ontology Language - The Web Ontology Language OWL is a semantic markup language for publishing and sharing ontologies on the World Wide Web.
OWL is developed as a vocabulary extension of RDF (the Resource Description Framework) and is derived from the DAML+OIL Web Ontology Language.
Semantic Web
Protégé - A free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework.
DESCRIPTION LOGICS - Description Logics are considered the most important knowledge representation formalism unifying and giving a logical basis
to the well known traditions of Frame-based systems, Semantic Networks and KL-ONE-like languages, Object-Oriented representations, Semantic data models,
and Type systems.
Web Services
Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures
SIP - Session Initiation Protocol. SIP, the Session Initiation Protocol, is a signaling protocol for Internet conferencing,
telephony, presence, events notification and instant messaging
An excellent West Texas A&M University, online MATHS course pitched at different levels! A must visit page :-)
Anglia Ruskin University - Digital Library
The Higher Education Academy
The website has material to help institutions, discipline groups and all staff to provide the best possible learning experience for their students. -
Spiritual Food
in Due Season.
Is God a historical being? What is a Christian? What time are we living
The William Marrion Branham Legacy
The message of the hour.
Cool linksUpdated 5th November, 2006 |