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Awards and Achievements

by Kris Popat last modified Monday Mar 13, 2006 13:46

2004 – Invited by Ars Electronica to submit Eurodans for the Prix Ars Electonica.

2002 – Eurodans was awarded a NetD@ys Label and was selected to represent the UK at the European Commission’s NetD@ys Ceremony in Brussels. The commission described it as “An outstanding example of the creative use of Internet communications”

1991 – 1993 Anglia Polytechnic University – Achieved a BEd in music after a 2 year non-honours course for professional musicians with music diplomas.  Module mark profile 65 – 80%

1984 – 1987 London College of Music – Achieved both ALCM and LLCM music diplomas.

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