Esteem and Papers
Evidence of esteem:
I am regularly invited to speak and present at events concerned with educational technology, and more specifically educational technology in the creative context. Recent activities by invitation include:
Member of the Conference Committee for Peer Review – International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) mobile learning conference, Malta, 05
JISC mobile learning think tank – Birmingham, April 05
Keynote Presentation – Newcastle ICT for Teachers Conference, Nov 04
Special Guest Presentation – ICT to Free Up Creativity Conference, Southampton, Oct 04
Digital Music for Teachers Day – Navcon Conference, New Zealand, Sept 04
Digital Creativity for Teachers – Barnet NAHT Conference, Sept 04
Conference Papers and Presentations:
‘Digital music, dance and drama and its application in the classroom’, Navcon 2k4, Christchurch, New Zealand 2004
‘ICDC, a perspective on the International Certificate in Digital Creativity’, Navcon 2k4, Christchurch, New Zealand 2004
‘m-Learning via the web: The challenge of size’, mLearn Conference 2004, Rome, Italy (co-author: Geoff Stead)
‘Exploring the potential of a game implementation for m-Portal’, mLearn conference 2003, London, UK (co-author: Alice Mitchel)
‘Eurodans with Snugfit: Web-based community software for online choreography’, International Conference for Information and Communications Technology in Education (ICTE), Badajos, Spain, November 2002 (co-author: Sita Popat).
‘Microportal Development for m-Learning’, BERA Conference, Exeter, UK, September 2002
‘Doing Curriculum the Notschool Way’, Navcon 2002, Christchurch, New Zealand (invited presentation)
‘éTui: A computational toy for reflection Upon learning’, Human-Computer Interaction Conference, New Orleans, 2001 (co-authors: Josep Blat, Dai Griffiths, Claudia Torres, Richard Millwood, Weiya Wang)
‘Trans-Domain Mapping: A Real-time Interactive System for Motion Acquisition and Musical Mapping’, International ComputerMusic Conference, Berlin 2000 (co-authors: Kia Ng, Sita Popat, Bee Ong, Ewan Stefani, David Cooper)
‘Interactive Composition: Sharing the Creative Process via the Internet’, International Computer Music Conference, Berlin 2000 (co-authors: Sita Popat, Kia Ng, Jacqueline Smith-Autard)
Selected compositions/productions:
Composer for Pax Excelsis: Internet Performance at Platfform ’01 Digital Arts Day, BBC Wales, April 2001. (Choreography by Sita Popat.)
Composer for Touchdown2: Videodance work created from footage for TouchDown, selected for presentation at the 5th Annual World Festival of Videodance in Argentina, 2000.
Composer for TouchDown, Performed at the Dance for the Camera Symposium at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, 2000. (Choreography by Jeffrey Gray Miller.)
Editor and software producer for Poems Pictures Music, CD ULTRALAB 1997 - ISBN 0-907262-76-7 (in collaboration with Peter Wilson, Gill Robinson, Antoine Mitchell),