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Kris Popat


Technical Skills:

Music and audio:
Apple’s Logic Pro, Steinberg’s Cubase, Pro Tools (software only),  Csound (Low and High level development), Max MSP,  SoundEdit, Amadeus, SoundTrack, Audio recording techniques, various mixing desk systems.

Most desktop packages including Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Unix terminal ( Emacs, Vi, grep etc),  MySQL, Cocoa MySQL, OmniGraffle, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier, iStop Motion, some 3D modelling in Blender.

Development systems including, Xcode, CodeWarrior, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Flash and Marten IDE

Programming languages including C++, Java, JavaScript, ActionScript, C, PHP, Marten (Prograph CPX ), Newton Script, some C#, Perl and Pascal

Programming frameworks including PowerPlant,  Carbon, QuickTime, CoreServices,  ABCs, Java AWT/Swing, J2ME, J2SE, J2EE, Jetty/JBoss, MFC and some .NET

Musical Skills:

Guitar: first instrument, styles include classical and popular music.

Flute: second study at college, mostly classical.

Keyboard Skills: for composition, all styles.

Scottish Small Pipes: currently studying.

Voice: Popular and choral music.

Lute: Early music.

Composition: Classical, modern: soundscape and popular.

Awards and Achievements

2004 – Invited by Ars Electronica to submit Eurodans for the Prix Ars Electonica.

2002 – Eurodans was awarded a NetD@ys Label and was selected to represent the UK at the European Commission’s NetD@ys Ceremony in Brussels. The commission described it as “An outstanding example of the creative use of Internet communications”

1991 – 1993 Anglia Polytechnic University – Achieved a BEd in music after a 2 year non-honours course for professional musicians with music diplomas.  Module mark profile 65 – 80%

1984 – 1987 London College of Music – Achieved both ALCM and LLCM music diplomas.

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