Current Work
- Digital Teacher Network - (project manager) a project to research, define and deliver a solution to bring together 200 of the most creative teachers across Europe, online.
- eSwap - Jisc funded research into the use of e-Porfolio solutions in a learners journey.
- BBC Blast - supporting the roll out of the BBC's flagship creativity project.
I also work on many other roles within Ultralab, including:
- Marketing
- Event Management
- Strategic Consultancy
- Press liaison
- New Business Development, I'm involved in lots of Ultralab's future project proposals
I'm part of the 'Essex Broadband Partnership', managed by Essex County Council. Working with various schools and academic institutions nationwide my passion is to launch an Ultralab in a school, contact me if you have any advice. In Norfolk I'm working on a project proposal to enable full quality gigabit connectivity between schools.
I'm also regularly invited onto the Steve Scruton and Ian Wyatt Show's on BBC Essex Radio providing 'sound advice' on new and emerging technology solutions and impact on futures to the local audience.
I adapted on my original job title, adding 'new media' before the 'researcher' title to fit the emerging role which developed around me as Ultralab continues to follow the action research methodology to explore how teaching and learning can be improved through the use of new and emerging technology.
Work is progressing once more on my Masters Degree, although increased workload resulted in me freezing the course for two years.
Read more of my academic work at: Matthew's Blog (some personal stuff thrown in too, for good measure - one of the most popular articles I've written is Tips to survive a long haul flight which gets hundreds of hits every day).
I'm also writing a book at the moment, irrelevant to my job, watch out at your local bookstore soon!