Report OL160 Open learning for people with disabilities
People with disabilities are full members of society with the right to full access to equality of opportunity in employment and training. Training and Enterprise Councils (and Local Enterprise Companies in Scotland) are developing their strategies for meeting the needs of individuals and employers within their areas. Each TEC and LEC has a commitment to provide for people with special training needs. Included in this group are some people with physical or sensory disabilities who may be able to benefit from Open Learning or flexible types of education and training.
This guide has been produced to assist those TECs, LECs and Training Providers that wish to develop flexible education and training provision for people with physical or sensory disabilities. It should help TECs and LECs to develop the relevant parts of their local strategies for meeting special training needs and to disseminate good practice.
The guide offers practical advice on how a training provider might organise delivery of Open or Flexible Learning, in particular how it could create a suitable Learning Centre or enhance an existing one for use by people with disabilities. Much of the content of the guide will therefore also be relevant to conventional education and training provision where the needs of people with disabilities have also to be met. Open Learning providers include a very wide range of public and private sector organisations. They may be for example: Colleges of Further Education, Community Colleges, Higher Education institutions, specialist colleges for disabled people, private training companies, skillcentres, dedicated Open Learning Centres or employment rehabilitation centres. It is hoped that the information in this guide will be helpful to all these.
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This page last updated 24 January 1999.