Report OL167 TECs and Learning Resource Centres: profit or loss?

Increasingly, organisations are looking to Open and Flexible Learning to provide training for staff at all levels. They may want to make training more accessible and convenient; or to make it available to a wider group of people; or to ensure that they get the best value for the money they spend on training. But, whatever their motives, there is a growing market for materials and advice to support Open and Flexible Learning.

However, Open and Flexible Learning is not an instant solution to every training problem. Even before introducing it organisations should ensure that they have people who can provide encouragement, guidance and technical support to the learners; that suitable materials are available, covering the right subjects at the right level, in media which are convenient and acceptable to the learners, and that systems are in place to administer the system, distribute the materials, monitor individual progress and record achievement. Organisations which are new to the method would be well advised to seek help in setting it up. TEC Learning Resource Centres have the potential to provide that help - profitably!

The decision to offer such a service should only be taken after serious consideration as with any business initiative, it requires careful planning. This booklet is designed to take you through the questions to be answered before you decide to turn your Learning Resource Centre into a Profit Centre. Then, if you decide that it is a viable proposition, it guides you through the stages relevant to the creation of a Business Plan.

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This page last updated 31 January 1999.