Report OL210 Technology in Learning Projects
One of the objectives of the newly formed Department for Education and Employment is to encourage lifetime learning so that people can use their skills and knowledge to compete effectively in a changing labour market. The UK has been a leader in developing new and innovative learning methods - especially those using technology. With the rapid development of multimedia and telecommunications, the potential is there for a wider and easier access to learning.
To grasp the opportunities afforded by technology requires awareness and understanding. The Department's Training Technology Unit addresses this issue through an active programme, which includes research and development, but above all aims to improve information, advice and sharing of experience.
This publication is part of that programme. It provides details of 41 projects that have successfully exploited technology in learning. It is a revision of an earlier publication produced in 1994 and retains much of the earlier content plus details of new projects.
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This page last updated 24 January 1999.