Report OL222 Establishing a technology based learning advisory service
Information Technology has an important role in providing cost effective learning in both the educational and training world. There is major resistance to using technology based training by professional educators and trainers. In order to convince these key groups it is necessary to provide information, advice, training plus a consultancy service to get technology based learning introduced at a national level. This paper describes a 'model' advisory service which has been successfully implemented in Hungary with the support of the United Kingdom Government.
The project has demonstrated the feasibility of setting up an Open and Flexible Learning Advisory Service based on the model described in section 4 of the report. The experience and developments in the UK over the past 20 years can be translated into another culture. The lessons learned over this long period of time can be condensed and grafted into a new environment.
Without such a service the various parties which have to adapt to the quickly changing needs of a modern industrial society cannot really experience the potential benefits that are available from these new learning methods. Even when they see the benefits there is a need for expertise to introduce the new materials into the current education and training systems. New equipment by itself is not the answer. It has to be accompanied by a service which can provide information, advice and detailed help in making the changes necessary to ensure that the high initial costs of introducing flexible learning methods is offset by improved learning in a cost effective manner.
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This page last updated 24 January 1999.