Report OL248 Guide to Cost Effectiveness of TBT

There is increasing pressure on those responsible for training provision to demonstrate its cost effectiveness. For technology based training (TBT), which will often be an innovation for the organisation, the pressure is likely to be intensified.

This guide is intended to aid training managers and others who are responsible for the decision to implement TBT in an organisation. It assumes that you have a general understanding of training issues within your organisation but limited detailed knowledge of TBT. A complete newcomer to TBT may find some elements of the guide challenging but should still find many areas of interest. Experienced TBT practitioners should be familiar with most of the contents of the guide. However, some elements may offer them a new perspective.

Cost effectiveness is not simply about comparing the costs of TBT with conventional approaches. It is about ensuring that the changes brought about by TBT are also included in the judgement of value. TBT is a general term covering all applications of technology to training, including computer based training, multimedia, simulation, telematics and computer-assisted learning

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This page last updated 24 January 1999.